Instrumental Music

Instrumental Music is an optional part of the Carwatha College P12 education program.  It aims to provide performance opportunities within the College and in the wider community.


The preparation for these performances and the actual performance engage students in a wide range of learning skills from personal organisation and commitment to an ensemble, to mentoring and leadership.

Students have small group lessons and are withdrawn from their regular classes to attend their instrumental lesson. The timetable rotates each week to avoid students missing the same class.

Instrumental music students are required to participate in the opportunities for performance such as assemblies and special events.


Carwatha Music aims to allow students to follow their musical interests with:

  • Experienced world travelled instrumental music teachers with a background in teaching, professional performance and band leadership,
  • Opportunities to play in Contemporary Bands, Junior Concert Band, Guitar Ensemble,
  • Wide range of performance opportunities within the College and in the wider community

Students who join the Music Program integrate into the school community quickly. This is due to the blend of year levels involved in the Music ensembles and intensive individual connections with Instrumental staff. Learning an instrument enhances learning in other subjects and assists personal development. Most of the student College leaders are often involved in the Music Program. Many students who achieve high scores in VCE have musical training. It has clear benefits across the curriculum.


Fees are charged at a yearly rate and are used to maintain and purchase equipment as well as assist with providing staff for lessons and ensemble classes. 


Students will receive a 30 minute lesson weekly and parents and students will be able to view lessons times on Compass.

* NOTE Students are required to commit to the Instrumental Music Program for the full year.


Teachers may take classes in small groups, especially at the beginner level. Multi year level ensembles will be taken at lunchtimes.



  • Brass - Trombone and Trumpet 
  • Guitar - Acoustic, Electric, Electric Bass and Ukulele 
  • Voice - Contemporary 
  • Drum
  • Woodwind - Saxophone, Clarinet and Flute. 

If you would like your child to participate in the 2025 Instrumental Music Program, please see the main office to fill in a registration form and make payment.


Please contact the college if you have any further queries about instrumental music.